Kick Ash Firewalk

On the night you will find in yourself all that you need to move forward, leaving your fear, and any other negative emotion, behind!

All our own firewalk events are open to anyone who wishes to attend, whatever their reason!

Personal Development - Marina Firewalking
Everyone will get something unique and treasured for themselves. You will learn about yourself, and learn that you already have what it takes to Kick Ash in your everyday life…

If you choose, this is an opportunity for you to raise funds for any cause you support. It’s not compulsory that you collect sponsorship. You may want to just come for the experience!

This event gives you the opportunity to expand your own mind, and to discover just how much you are truly capable of.

During the 90-minute seminar you will learn:
  • Fear cannot only be controlled, but eliminated altogether
  • All the resources you need to move forward in life are already within you
  • To reconnect with your own inner confidence
  • The skills and attitude to experience life at higher level

Participants will be invited to take part in empowerment activities throughout the workshop. To build in yourself the optimum state, before finally being invited to walk over a bed of glowing red embers, barefoot!

This event WILL change your life, if you let it!

The act of Firewalking goes back thousands of years. Sometimes used as a rite of passage, a test of one’s courage and strength. Also in religion, as a demonstration of one’s faith. Whatever your motivation, if you choose to do a Kick Ash Firewalk, the way you feel after just 6 short steps, will stay with you. Empowering you and reminding you of your infinite potential for the rest of your life.

Charity Firewalk with kick ash firewalks

If you want to know how this type of event can be used to develop the performance of your team at work, raise funds for a cause close to your heart, or simply help you break free of your own limiting beliefs, get in touch…