Welcome to Kick Ash Firewalks Store
Welcome to the Kick Ash Firewalks store. Here we bring you all the tools that you will need to change your life when you are ready to take the first to Discovering Your Awesome.
Face Everything And Roar
(Paperback Book)
Certifying Master Firewalking Trainer, Barry Collins, shares his journey in to the fire. And, like the phoenix, he emerged reborn. Face Everything And Roar takes you by the hand and leads you on a journey.
Inside are answers to just some of the questions you probably have about the ancient art of firewalking. Why do people do it? How does firewalking connect to our personal growth? Share this journey as you Discover Your Awesome by taking some simple steps. Surrender to the process and allow yourself to be amazed by who you really are!
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Tales From The Fireside
Volume One
(Paperback Book)
For thousands of years, stories have been shared, from one generation to the next. This is sometimes done as a way of handing down the history of the culture or tribe that shares the stories. Tales told around the fire are sometimes a way to entertain others, or to show prowess, The beauty of story telling is that, if told well, you can become lost in the tale. In these moments, the avid listener will no longer feel like they are being taught, instructed, or lectured. They will feel are being entertained.
These tales provide a way to challenge without challenging, to teach without teaching, to lead without leading. In short, to allow the student to become the hero in their own story. The tales contained within these pages are shared as much for the purpose of entertainment as they are for the purpose of teaching.
These tales are presented after an exploration of the history and purpose of story telling. Along with each tale, an interpretation is offered, but you are encourage to make up your own mind. All these tales have many levels, and I hope you enjoy the adventure of discovery!
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Tales From The Fireside
Volume Two
(Paperback Book)
Continuing the success of the first volume, this is a guide to understanding not only the stories contained within, but also to help the reader become attuned to the subtleties of the lessons and themes contained within them. Armed with the deeper understanding of the power of these stories, the reader is better equipped to deliver them at a time and in a way that can have an affect that is both profound and long-lasting.
By guiding the reader through the process of understanding the symbolism within, they are encouraged to follow the process to craft their own teaching tales that may in turn become part of an oral tradition of teaching and mentoring.