Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about firewalking events
Frequently Asked Questions

Here’s some of the frequently asked questions Kick Ash Firewalks get asked. If you have a question not listed below, please get in touch HERE

Who can Firewalk?

Anyone age 18 years and above. They must able to walk unaided across the length of the walk – approximately 10-15 feet. There are no ‘special abilities’ required. Anyone can learn, not only to walk on fire, but to become an instructor… Click Here to find out more.

Is firewalking dangerous?

Fire is an element of nature and so does carry an element of risk. This risk is part of the unique appeal of this type of event. On the night, firewalkers will be coached on the best way to approach the challenge. Our intention is for you to have the best possible experience!

What is content of the workshop?

In general terms, the purpose of the workshop is to help delegates achieve the required state for firewalking. There are a number ways we achieve this and the content can be tailored match any corporate themes or goals. A normal event can last between 2 to 3 hours in total depending on group size. What comes up during the workshop element of your event, can affect the overall length.

Do I have to do the workshop to firewalk?

Simply… Yes! No-one will be permitted to walk without taking part in the workshop. This is an integral part of achieving the optimum state to firewalk. At this time, you are also learning the required techniques and receiving the safety briefing.

What happens if it rains?

This questions comes up regularly, and the answer is always the same… our fire team get wet! Rain, sleet, snow, we’ve provided firewalks in them all without any issue. It’s worth taking this into consideration when planning your event.

What does it feel like to walk on fire?

To start with, your not walk on fire, you’re walking on the coals. The coals are created from the wood that will burn for over an hour before being laid out. Many say it’s like walking on popcorn, or fresh, crunchy snow. Everyone has their own uniques experience, and a memory that will last a lifetime.

Why do people firewalk?

Why not firewalk? What thoughts or beliefs do people hold on to that make them believe they cannot do it? We encourage you to challenge these thoughts and beliefs we during the briefing. The firewalk itself is an opportunity do experience something that you perhaps thought impossible. And if you can achieve the impossible, what else can you do…?

Where can I hold a firewalk?

We have held events at many hotels and sports clubs as well as other types of venues around the world. We understand our clients may prefer a venue close to them. In these instances we will work closely with the organiser to ensure the venue meets our needs. Generally we require a room for the workshop that can easily accommodate the expected number of delegates. Nearby (no more than a couple of minutes walk) we need an outdoor area to build the fire. This area requires a minimum 10 metre radius free from flammable objects (sheds, trees, cars, etc). We also require a water supplied from a tap. Please contact us for more details if you would prefer to use your own venue.

How many people can attend?

We can hold firewalks for any number. We recommend groups of 12 or more as this allows us to maintain the integrity of both entertainment and safety. We can accommodate larger events for several hundred participants by arrangement. Get in touch to find out more.

What is the cost to host a Firewalk?

This is calculated on individual basis and is based on the specific requirements of your event. This allows you the flexibility to have as many or as few delegates attend as you want. This is only limited by the size of the venue. Please contact us for details.

Who manages the bookings?

If you choose Kick Ash Firewalks as your event provider, you are responsible for securing bookings. We will be happy to advise given our experience and involvement with events like yours. This will help you plan to ensure success.

Who is responsible for managing sponsorship?

The collection and reconciliation of the sponsorship remains with charity / fundraiser. This way any funds raised pass directly to the beneficiaries.

Who will market my event?

This is your role in making your event a success. The relationship you have already built with your audience will greatly increase the support you get. And for charities, the funds you will raise will also be impacted. We will support and advise,  however the primary responsibility for ensuring bookings is yours.

What does it cost to take part as a delegate?

This is up to you as the event organiser. You may choose to charge delegates to attend, thus covering your costs. If your event is a fundraiser, you may choose to have a minimum sponsorship target for individuals, from which the cost of the event is eventually deducted. We are happy to advise how you can make your event work best for you.

There are probably many more frequently asked questions that we have not provided the answers to here, so if you have questions still unanswered, please get in touch HERE

Explore 'Here There Be Dragons' with Glenrothes based Kick Ash Firewalks. Embark on a journey of self-discovery, facing challenges and embracing transformation. Unleash your potential today!